Upper Beechwood #1 members are fortunate to have a place where they can come together to play, to learn and to socialize with neighbours. Our members live on the following streets in Upper Beechwood that founded UB1:
All swimming and tennis lessons, and access to all programs and facilities are included with the annual membership fee. To obtain the early bird rate, membership fees are due on April 30th each year. After April 30th, the full rate applies.
A limited number of associate spots are available for interested families who live outside the Upper Beechwood #1 boundary area to use the UB1 facilities and to have access to all programs on an annual basis. The associate annual fee is due on April 15th each year. To learn more about being an associate, or to be considered for the associate waiting list, please contact the UB1 membership director at membership@upperbeechwood.com.
UB1 is run entirely by a group of volunteers and pool staff. Please consider helping out for a few hours. We are looking for interested covenant members and associates to volunteer for the following activities:
Stay connected with the UB1 Facebook Page