Members and associates are welcome to bring guests to the pool, tennis courts and basketball courts. Just a reminder that a guest can only use the UB1 pool, tennis courts or basketball courts if they are with a member or associate. If the member or associate leaves, so must the guest. Each member or associate can bring up to 2 guests at a time. The intention is that members and associates can bring family or friends on an occasional basis only, not regularly throughout the summer. If family or friends are interested in joining UB1, please direct them to our UB1 Membership Director, to be added to the Associate Members waiting list.
Please feel free to speak to the pool staff if you are unsure about bringing a guest to the pool. All guests must be signed in on the guest sheet and complete a swim test before entering the pool.
Selling your home?
If you are selling your home, you may be entitled to recoup a portion of the membership fee from the purchaser. Please have your lawyer contact the UB1 treasurer, so that he can review your account and make any adjustments on closing. This will also allow UB1 to update our membership database to include the new owners.
Behaviour and Abuse Policy
The Directors of UB1 are vitally interested in the health and safety of staff, members, associates and visitors and provides their personal commitment to comply with the duties under the Ontario Health and Safety Act, such as taking every reasonable precaution for the protection of workers in the workplace.
This policy applies to all board members, managers, lifeguards, tennis instructors, and any other paid employee of Upper Beechwood Homeowners Association #1 (UBHA#1) (collectively, the “Staff”), in the addition to volunteers, members, visitors, and independent contractors.
It is the responsibility of each of those listed above to abide by this policy and to recognize, and report, abuse as noted in this document. Any complaints or reports of abuse will be investigated, followed by a resolution or disciplinary action if determined necessary.
The purpose of this policy is to take reasonable precautions to ensure the Staff and the patrons of UBHA#1 are protected from unwanted and unnecessary risks that may arise during the hours of use at the recreation facilities (including pool, tennis and basketball courts).
The policy is intended to establish a set of guidelines for behaviour by Staff and patrons that reflect an acceptable level of personal conduct while on the premises of UBHA#1 and corresponding procedures to follow, report, investigate, and control workplace violence, risks, and safety measures.
UBHA#1 will not tolerate any form of Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Psychological/Emotional Abuse, Neglect or Harassment by its Staff or Patrons while on the premises of UBHA#1.
- To establish guidelines that will foster an environment that is free from harassment or abuse
- To identify the behaviours that are unacceptable
- To establish a mechanism for receiving complaints
- To establish a procedure to deal with complaints
All staff and patrons of UBHA#1 will:
- Follow the rules outlined for the recreation facilities
- Respectfully bring any concerns to a lifeguard or managing guard on duty
- Comply with any request made from a guard or instructor related to safety or risk management
- Treat all guards, instructors, and other members/patrons with respect
- Abstain from using offensive or profane language at the recreation facilities
Warnings may be given to any patron from a lifeguard or instructor. An initial warning, which may be in the form of a “Yellow Card” or “time-out” may be initiated for a behaviour deemed as unacceptable. You or your child may be asked to refrain from the activity for a short period of time (e.g., 5 minute break), with an opportunity to return once the behaviour has stopped or the situation has been rectified.
A request to leave the facility, which may also be in the form of “Red Card” may be given if the warning did not have a correcting effect or if the unwanted behaviour continues. In addition, if the conduct or behaviour is of a nature that is determined to be severe, intentional or harmful to other patrons, a request to leave the facility may be warranted without any prior warning. You or your child may be asked to cease the activity and will not be able to return for a specified period of time (e.g., the balance of the session or for the remainder of the day or in more extreme circumstance could be for a longer period or time, in consultation with the Board).
*Patrons may be asked to leave the pool premises immediately if any Staff feels that the safety (e.g., physical, emotional, psychological well being) of other patrons is at risk.
- Physical Abuse – defined as, but not limited to, the use of intentional force that may result in physical harm or injury. It may take form of slapping, hitting, punching, shaking, pulling, throwing, kicking, biting, choking, strangling, or use of restraint.
- Sexual Abuse – is defined as, but not limited to, any incidents of unwanted sexual activity; this includes sexual advances, physical contact, verbal or written propositions or innuendos.
- Verbal Abuse – is defined as, but not limited to, humiliating remarks, name calling, swearing at, taunting, teasing, continual put downs, through any form (e.g., verbal or written), including texts and social media.
- Psychological Emotional Abuse – is defined as, but not limited to, communications of an abrasive nature, sarcasm, exploitive behaviour, intimidation, manipulation; and insensitivity to race, sexual preference, family dynamics, and religion. It may also be defined as a chronic attack on an individual’s self-esteem. It can take form of name calling, threatening, ridiculing, berating, intimidating, isolation, hazing, habitual blaming, etc. This may take any form, verbal, written, and including social media.
- Neglect – is defined as, but not limited to, any behaviour that leads to failure to provide services which are necessary such as withdrawing basic needs as forms of punishment, failing to assess and respond to changes in health status, and refusing or withdrawing physical and emotional support.
- Harassment – is defined as, but not limited to, any unwanted physical or verbal conduct that offends or humiliates, including gender-based harassment. It can be a single incident or several over time. It may include threats, intimidation, display of racism, sexism, unnecessary physical contact, suggestive remarks or gestures, offensive pictures or jokes – through any form of communication, including social media. Harassment will be considered to have taken place if the behaviour was unwelcome.
Abuse or Inappropriate Behaviour Recognition and Reporting Procedures: Awareness of abuse or inappropriate behaviour:
- Witnessing it
- Physical evidence
- Behavioural indicators
- Report made by a third party
- Disclosure by the victim
What to do if you witness or receive disclosures of abuse or inappropriate behaviour:
- Report to authorities (e.g., lifeguard, manager on duty, board member, or police)
- Listen to the allegation
- Do not promise to keep it a secret
- Stop the witnessed behaviour if there is no danger to yourself
- Contact police if necessary
- Ensure safety of the victim
- Seek medical assistance if necessary
All complaints or reports of any form of abuse or repetitive inappropriate behaviour will be brought forward to any Director of the Board of UBHA#1. Contact information for the Directors is listed on the UBHA#1 website at Investigation or disciplinary action may be warranted, at the discretion of the UBHA#1 President. An investigation committee made up of Board members, may also review and investigate the complaint.
Disciplinary Actions/Procedures:
May include but are not limited to:
- If the allegations relate to the conduct of a Staff member, they will be suspended with pay until the investigation concludes
- The President of the Board of Directors, or its appointed investigation committee, will also determine if external agencies should become involved and suggested courses of action (e.g., disciplinary, dismissal, etc)
- The President of the Board of Directors, or its appointed investigation committee, may seek legal advice or may contact an appropriate government agency for guidance if they see fit
- False allegations will not be tolerated and may result in legal action
- All allegations and associated investigative records will be retained by the Board of Directors on a confidential basis, except as otherwise required by legal process or other requirements for a minimum of five years.
This policy will be reviewed with each Staff member. This policy will be available for all Staff and patrons to review on the UBHA#1 website at