Pool opens June 24th!

We are excited to announce that, weather permitting, the pool will be opening on Wednesday, June 24th! The pool health inspection has been successfully completed, the facility readied and the guards trained on new COVID safety procedures.

To keep members and staff as safe as possible during this time of COVID-19 and under the direction of Health and Safety guidelines, new pool procedures are being implemented for the time being. We ask for your understanding and patience as these procedures are new to all members and staff.

A full listing of the procedures and rules can be found on the UB1 website. Please take a few minutes to review them with your family members.

Key information includes:

  • The pool and pool area has a limited capacity of 29 members at one time. This includes members who are swimming in the pool or just watching/using the pool deck. To promote fair access for all, members can sign up in advance to reserve one of 4 hourly time slots for free swims or can show up on a first-come, first-served basis for a limited number of walk-in spots. A limited number of time slots have also been allocated for lane swims and adult-only swims.
  • Modified swimming and tennis lessons will be offered. Session one swimming and tennis lesson sign up will be held in person on June 25th at 4:00pm on the tennis courts. This will allow the guards to explain the new lesson format, new swimming levels and assess demand.
  • Members are required to complete a COVID-19 screening form each time a member of their household is accessing the pool either for free swim or for swim lessons, or attending a tennis lesson. To save time, the COVID-19 screening form can be completed online before visiting the facility.

The UB1 guards are super excited to open the pool and want to celebrate with a sidewalk chalk activity! Families can pick one sidewalk square around or near the pool and decorate their square on or before opening day on June 24th. Families can decorate with drawings or positive messages for the community. Please remember to be respectful of other families and bring your own chalk from home. We are looking forward to seeing your chalk drawings.

A big thank you to Abby and Katie, our pool manager/assistant manager, and all the UB1 board of directors for their hard work preparing the facility and the new procedures. A special thank you to Gary Hesselink for his many long hours working on the new website and the free swim sign-up process.

Please feel free to reach out with questions. We look forward to seeing you at the pool!